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Geplante Wartungen
Network maintenance (firmware change) at 12.03.2024, 04:30

We will be carrying out a short maintenance on our corerouting infrastructure on 12 March 2024, starting at 04:30. As part of this maintenance, the installed firmware will be changed on both corerouters to address some bugs that occur in the currently installed firmware versions. We expect a short interruption of less than one minute. The maintenance work should be completed by 6:00.

We thank all customers for their understanding!

Vergangene Vorfälle

Samstag 19th August 2023

Es liegen keine Vorfälle vor

Freitag 18th August 2023

Es liegen keine Vorfälle vor

Donnerstag 17th August 2023

Es liegen keine Vorfälle vor

Mittwoch 16th August 2023

Es liegen keine Vorfälle vor

Dienstag 15th August 2023

Core-Network Datacenter Network Interruption

Unfortunately, at 21:39 today, a misconfiguration in a test environment of the data centre, which served the purpose of testing the new dark fibre line to Amsterdam, caused a problem that affected the productive network of the data centre. The problem was fixed at 21:44 and it was ensured that this cannot happen again. We sincerely apologise for this problem and thank you for your understanding.

VPS Nodes VPS-Nodes: Host17 Repeated System Disk Failure

Today at 16:21 one of our VPS host systems (Host17), that caused already problems yesterday on 14th August, caused problems again. This is again related to the system disks in this server or probably also caused by the RAID-controller of this server. We are currently checking this node and keep you updated in this status post.

Since 16:28, this system is working again and all VMs are currently booting up. We are very sorry for the repeated problem with this node. We are currently ensuring that this won't happen again.

  • This incident is resolved

  • Montag 14th August 2023

    VPS Nodes VPS-Nodes: Host17 System Disk Failure

    Today at 11:21 one of our VPS host systems (Host17, 2x AMD Epyc 7542, 1.5TB RAM) crashed. After analysing this system, we could determine a problem with the local system disks on this server. We have replaced the faulty disk in the server, RAID consistency is currently rebuilding.

    This problem is solved since 11:38 and shouldn't happen again. We sincerely apologise to all affected customers and continue to monitor this host system.

    Sonntag 13th August 2023

    Es liegen keine Vorfälle vor